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Description du projet

The tcb suite implements the alternative password
shadowing scheme on Openwall GNU/*/Linux (Owl)
which allows many core system utilities (passwd(1)
being the primary example) to operate with little
privilege. It is being made available separately
from Owl primarily for use by other distributions.
This package contains three core components of the
tcb suite: pam_tcb (a PAM module which supersedes
pam_unix), libnss_tcb (the accompanying NSS
module), and libtcb (a library for accessing tcb
shadow files, used by the PAM and NSS modules as
well as by user management tools on Owl).

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-06-21 07:13

pam_sm_open_session () a été durcie à l'échec pour les utilisateurs inconnus. Les fuites de mémoire dans le module PAM et helper tcb_chkpwd ont été corrigés.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
pam_sm_open_session() has been hardened to fail
for unknown users. Memory leaks in the PAM module
and tcb_chkpwd helper have been fixed.

2005-12-29 23:20

Soutien à OpenPAM et pour les nouvelles interfaces fournies par Linux-PAM et plus a été mis en œuvre (anciennes versions de Linux-PAM continuent d'être pris en charge). La liste des symboles mondiaux exportée par la bibliothèque, NSS, et des modules de PAM a été restreint. Le module PAM ne sera plus invoquer de syslog (3) / closelog (3) par défaut (selon le nouveau Linux-PAM Convention), à moins que la nouvelle option "openlog" est spécifié.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Support for OpenPAM and for the new interfaces provided by Linux-PAM and above has been implemented (older versions of Linux-PAM continue to be supported). The list of global symbols exported by the library, NSS, and PAM modules has been restricted. The PAM module will no longer invoke openlog(3)/closelog(3) by default (according to the new Linux-PAM convention), unless the new option "openlog" is specified.

2004-07-04 03:28

Cette version corrige l'utilisation de readdir (3) en tcb_unconvert pour glibc 2.3 +.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release corrects the usage of readdir(3) in tcb_unconvert for glibc

2003-11-03 01:05

Le module PAM va maintenant être construit avec-fPIC, fakeroot et a été renommé en DESTDIR.
Tags: Code cleanup
The PAM module will now be built with -fPIC, and FAKEROOT has been renamed to DESTDIR.

2003-11-01 01:40

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources