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Description du projet

pipes インタラクティブシェル.

オブジェクト指向, perlライクな文字列処理の内部コマンドを組みこんでいます。


Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2012-05-18 16:25
pipes 1.0.1 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release



Modified index and rindex return code when failing searched.
Modified Makefile.in and configure.in and completion.pi
Test --with-static configure option and have made it workable
Modified environment block completion
Made an array index or a hash key writable with variable, ex) $a[$b]
add "jump" and "menu" user functions
add -index option to var inner command
Modified context pipe and treating stdin on -c option
add macro to readline completion. type C-x on the interactive shell
add "readline" inner command
Wrote English usage and helps

Released Pipes version 1.0.1 at 18th May