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Description du projet

Fisterra is a GNOME development framework for
implementing business management applications or
ad hoc ERPs. Fisterra 2 is comprised of
fisterra-base, a mature GNOME development
framework, and fisterra-distribution, a vertical
solution for the retail sector, with a beta POS
(Point-Of-Sale). Its CORBA middleware allows the
integration of Fisterra based applications with
any other free or private systems.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-06-26 23:24 Retour à la liste release

Cette version a été testée dans Woody et Sid. Un test de RPM ont été réalisés à l'aide étrangère (pas encore testé). Base de données des exemples ont été inclus dans la distribution Debian / binaires de Red Hat. Il n'ya pas d'installation automatique d'échantillon de base de données pour le moment. Un bug mineur dans l'exemple de création de base de données a été corrigé. Certaines documentations et des exemples sont inclus dans / usr / share / doc / Fisterra. Scripts Perl ont déplacé dans / usr / lib / Fisterra /.
Tags: Old, Major bugfixes
This release has been tested in Woody and Sid. A test RPM has been made using alien (not yet tested). Database examples have been included in the Debian/Red Hat binary. There is no automatic sample database installation yet. A minor bug in example database creation has been fixed. Some documentation and examples are included in /usr/share/doc/fisterra. Perl scripts have moved to /usr/lib/fisterra/.

Project Resources