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Description du projet

JFtp is a Swing Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party applications. It should ideally be launched in a Web browser via Java Web Start (contained by the Java 1.4 plugin), but can also be started locally.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-08-31 21:18

Cette version corrige quelques bugs majeurs, mises à jour 0.2.9 pour j2ssh, et inclut le support natif navigateur en utilisant Swing.
This release fixes some major bugs, updates j2ssh to 0.2.9, and includes browser support using native Swing.

2010-11-08 10:09

Dans cette version, outre quelques corrections de bugs mineurs, keepalive FTP a été ajouté et SSH et support SMB ont été améliorés par la mise à jour du sous-jacent JSch et jCIFS-API.
In this release, besides some minor bugfixes, FTP keepalive has been added and SSH and SMB support have been improved by updating the underlying JSch- and jCIFS-APIs.

2009-10-12 00:43

Cette version corrige quelques bugs d'interface utilisateur, met à jour la documentation, et fournit la ligne de commande SFTP autoconnect.
This release fixes some UI bugs, updates the documentation, and provides command line SFTP autoconnect.

2008-07-24 20:43

Le présent communiqué contient quelques corrections de bugs, un thème facultatif GNOME icône, et des améliorations gestionnaire de téléchargement.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release contains some bugfixes, an optional GNOME icon theme, and download manager improvements.

2007-07-20 13:48

Le présent communiqué comprend des améliorations d'interface utilisateur, sftp usings soutien jsch (en plus de j2ssh), et beaucoup de corrections de bugs.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release includes UI improvements, sftp
support usings jsch (in addition to j2ssh), and
lots of bugfixes.

Project Resources