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Description du projet

homest is a C/C++ library for robust, non-linear
homography estimation. A homography (sometimes
also called a collineation) is a general plane to
plane projective transformation whose estimation
from matched image features is often necessary in
vision tasks. homest computes a homography
estimate that minimizes an appropriate non-linear
cost function defined on matching points (currently
either non-symmetric transfer error, symmetric
transfer error, Sampson error, or reprojection
error) and includes robust regression techniques
for coping with outliers (i.e., mismatched point
pairs). It supports the estimation of fully
projective (8 dof) and affine (6 dof) homographies.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-07-30 23:10 Retour à la liste release

Un couple de questions à l'alignement de la mémoire et la génération de nombres aléatoires sur les systèmes 64 bits ont été fixés. Arguments supplémentaires ont été ajoutés à des routines d'estimation homographie qui exposent la liste des valeurs aberrantes détectées. La gestion des erreurs a été améliorée et plus bavarde de sortie a été ajoutée.
Tags: Stable
A couple of issues with memory alignment and random number generation on 64-bit systems were fixed. Extra arguments were added to homography estimation routines which expose the list of detected outliers. Error handling was improved and more verbose output was added.

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